Christmas 2006



Here are some pictures from around my home as I got prepared for the Christmas Season.

Click on the image to see the full size version

The front door.
A better shot of my Christmas cacti. They bloom each year in December. It appears they thrive on neglect, as they're doing so well.
A panoramic view of the lights on the front of the house.
All of the inside pictures seem to have a greenish tint because I use green lights extensively.. and the walls are green.
O Christmas tree, O Christmas tree
Notice the framed object over the curio cabinet. It says "God Bless Our Home" in Polish and belonged to my Grandparents. Truly a treasured possession.
I live the little Christmas tree candle structure on the coffee table
Green, green, everywhere it's green!
Still more.
My village.
This panorama did not turn out the best. I'll have to try again.... later!
My Fontanini nativity set.

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